Vacations are for enjoyment, but most people also would also like to stay within a budget and don’t want to spend money on things like extra bags. Small fees here and there can really add up to big expenses.
Understanding this, Overland park travel agents at Destination Fun Travel have some ideas on how to avoid overspending. A typical travel agent in Overland Park is an experienced vacationer and knows some of the most common “Do’s and Dont’s” to help you save a few bucks while on vacation.
When packing:
- Stay somewhere with a washer/dryer, so you can pack super light and wash your clothes while you’re there. Overland park travel agents can help you find the perfect hotel to fit your needs.
- Don’t overpack. Overpacking can result in add-on fees and provides limited space to bring home souvenirs. An added bonus, your luggage is less likely to get lost in transit if it’s small enough to be a carry-on item.
- Bring Items you will need. You’ll be glad you brought a few band-aids and a small bottle of sunscreen instead of paying the marked-up prices at your destination.
- Bring some food and drinks with you—for both the plane and the trip itself.
Airport food is expensive, and having a few things packed to tie you over can save dividends throughout the trip.
- Consider eating at least one meal in your hotel room.
Dining out every meal can add up. Ordering take-out and eating poolside or in your hotel room can save throughout a trip.
- Stay at a hotel that includes breakfast. A travel agent in Overland Park at Destination Fun Travel can help you find a hotel that offers meals during your stay.
- Eating breakfast in your hotel can save one meal eating out. You can also take a fruit piece to go for a snack later and get your coffee fix for free.
- Visit a local grocery store for some significant low-cost and locally made specialties.
Transit Solutions:
- Use a rideshare option to share the travel costs, an added bonus—you can share and helpful information about the location with others. An Overland Park travel agent at Destination Fun Travel can help find a trustworthy rideshare company to work with.
- When renting a car, do research and find the best deal. Many companies can vary by hundreds of dollars and offer bundle discounts. A travel agent in Overland Park, at Destination Fun Travel can help you search for the right company at the right price.
- Ride Public transit. Public not only saves you money, but it is also good for the environment. Most tourist cities focus on providing great public transit options.
At Destination Fun Travel, our Overland park travel agents take pride in providing great vacation experiences that stay on your budget. Give us a call at (913) 244-4343 or contact us online for other great tips or to start planning your next getaway!